What to expect as a patient of QEI Laser

Our rigorous assessment process is vital to ensure your safety.  This process can take time!  Please plan to be at the clinic for between 1-2 hours for your initial appointment to ensure we have the time to fully assess your individual needs. 

What to bring to your appointment:

  1. Your current glasses and any older pairs that you may have.

  2. Your referral.

  3. Sunglasses – it will be very glary when you leave with your pupils dilated.

  4. A driver – your pupils may be dilated so your vision will be blurred for a few hours and you will not be able to drive.

Dr David Gunn, Ophthalmologist at Queensland Eye Institute Brisbane.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a referral?

Yes, most of the time.  It helps you and it helps us.

If you are coming for an opinion on laser for a disease such as corneal scarring then you need a valid referral from an optometrist or GP to receive a Medicare rebate. 

Do I need to take my contact lenses out before my appointment?

Yes.  If you wear soft contact lenses please remove then 1 week prior to your assessment.  Hard contact lenses vary in how long you need them out for if you need them out at all.  If you wear hard contact lenses because you can’t wear soft ones, then just keep wearing them until your appointment.   

Is there an age limit?

For therapeutic laser procedures there is no age limit.

Do you offer free assessments?

No. For therapeutic assessments the usual consultation fee and investigation fees charged by our surgeons apply. Please ask our receptionists for further information.