Corneal Dystrophies
Photograph of a patient’s eye showing an example of Granular Corneal Dystrophy.
What are Corneal Distrophies?
Corneal dystrophies are a group of inherited genetic disorders that cause the cornea to become opaque over time. There are numerous different dystrophies but the more common ones include epithelial basement membrane dystrophy, granular dystrophy and Reis-Bucklers dystrophy.
In the early stages many of the conditions cause painful recurrent erosions but in the later stages they can cause significantly reduced vision.
How are Corneal Dystrophies treated with Laser?
Traditionally the only treatment for corneal dystrophy was a corneal transplant. Whilst this may be needed for very late or severe cases, excimer laser can safely and effectively remove the diseased tissue in mild to moderate cases.
As with all therapeutic laser procedures with our doctors, if your health insurance covers the item number for a phototherapeutic keratectomy (42810) you will qualify for automatic health fund rebates, intravenous sedation with our anaesthetic team and be able to have your laser performed on the only excimer laser in Queensland that is based in an accredited private hospital.